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Who We Are

The Maryland Dental Action Coalition (MDAC), the state’s leading non-governmental oral health policy and advocacy organization, works to improve the oral health of all Marylanders through increased oral health promotion, disease prevention, education, advocacy, and access to oral health care.  MDAC leads the development of the five-year Maryland Oral Health Plan and partners with individuals and organizations working to develop and implement initiatives to improve the oral health of all Marylanders. 

MDAC's work is possible thanks to generous donations and grants from the following funders:

  • Abell Foundation
  • Blaustein Foundation
  • CareQuest Institute for Oral Health
  • HealthEfficient
  • Johns Hopkins Health Plans
    Johns Hopkins Health Plans
  • Maryland Department of Health
  • Maryland Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
    Maryland Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
  • Schattner foundation
  • Stulman Foundation
    Stulman Foundation
  • United Healthcare logo
    United Healthcare logo